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Tuesday 19 July 2011

It's been a while, I know

Hey guys,

Sorry for the delay in posting since the last time, but working for the BEST COMPANY IN THE WORLD has proven to be challenging not leaving too much time for other stuff:P Of course, I could have used the weekends and the nights, but there is just too much stuff to get to know.

Well, let's see if I can make a quick and "not-so-boring" summary:

1. I have a new appartment in a very nice area (10-12min walk from the office) which I'm sharing with two Irish (girl and guy) not google related;

2. On my first week year, Moody's thought I was already home sick and therefore downgraded the Republic of Ireland's rating to junk. It feels like home now!

3. I have picked up my running and am regaining my endurance really fast, maybe in a month and a half I'll run a half marathon;

4. My work colleagues are really nice and from all over the place (Lebanon, US, Russia, Japan, you name it). It's actually very interesting to go out here and see the Muslims in the group ordering a coke, while the rest is having some nice pints. Also, I've been practising my spanish thanks to Alba and Artur, two very nice Catalans.

5. I went to the worst club ever on Friday. A place which rivals the worst place that is crossing your minds right now. It was in a basement, with cheezy music and a lot of drunk people trying to stand!

6. I would love to be able to tell you much more about the life as a Googler, but it is confidential:) It's really the best place to work!

Irish curiosity (or not so much) - You can get "horizontal rain" in the summer, if you know what I mean!


1 comment:

  1. Caro Zé, olha que tens um blogue impecável, que prometeste actualizá-lo, que isso é um serviço útil que não deves abandonar porque serve bem todos que o lêm. Assim já comparávamos as nações para ver onde anda o lixo. Certamente com umas imagens dos Cliffs of Moher,(a sanguinária) KilKenny (sim, o grito de guerra do South Park) ou da Great Causeway se verá algum por aí a boiar. Ou então a Irlanda, Grécia e Portugal com as melhores costas da Europa, (esqueçamos por ag q a Noruega anda por aí tb) alimentam invejas naturais quando se trabalha num sitio chamado Moody's (o q p qem não tem um dicionário de Inglês antigo à mão significa Muddy's,um local cheio de lamas ptt;).
    Para terminar como fiel abrantenho que és ainda estou para compreender pq é que neste post onde está Muslims...ordering a coke não está Sagres mini, há coisas que nem o Maomé deveria conseguir bater.
    Gd Abraco
